Recent Posts
June 29, 2006
Microsoft Icons of photography, and digital photography sitew
Check out Microsoft’s Icons of photography site, which shows some extreamly cool photos from some pro photographers, with info about them, and what they use. Very cool stuff! Also, the Pro Photographer site has some downloads, articles and more fo...
June 27, 2006
how to photograph fireworks
Digital phtoography school has an article talking about photographing Fireworks! might be handy for some. fireworks time wont happen here for another few months, but nice to know!
June 26, 2006
factors to concider when buying a DSLR lens
Digital photography school has a post on the factors you should concider when buying a DSLR lens. very interesting read. some handy tips. this is the fastest lens i have found so far. its fairly nice too. F1.8. Very cool lens.
June 26, 2006
Digital camera reviews over at the digital photography blog
check out this section of the digital photography blog with a LOT of reviews of different cameras. they not only have their own review, but link to others too. very cool resource!
June 25, 2006
your rights as a photographer
Check out this article explaining your rights as a photographer. very interesting stuff, and handy to know.