
Recent Posts

  • July 19, 2006

    Adobe LightRoom: impressions so far

    I just installed Adobe Light Room, and my impressions so far are not great. here are some problems:1: if I am in the develop section, and I select 5 photos, change the exposure of the main one, and then do some other work, LightRoom only changes t...

  • July 19, 2006

    Adobe Lightroom for Windows has arrived!

    Adobe Lightroom, their answer to Apple’s Aperture has arrived today for Windows! Now to download and see if its any good.

  • July 17, 2006

    ISO settings in Digital Photography

    check out this quick post explaing ISO settings in digital photography. very handy read, and jolts the memory on how to correctly use this.

  • July 12, 2006

    How-To: DIY $10 macro photography studio

    Check out this post over at Strobist showing you how to build a $10 Macro photography studio. Very cool stuff, and extreamly handy. might be usefull for photographing gadgets and the like.[via Digital Camera Blog]

  • July 12, 2006

    13 Tips on improving camera phone photos

    Digital photography school has an article with 13 tips on improving your camera phone pictures. very cool stuff