Recent Posts
August 09, 2006
Nikon D80 released
the digital photography blog has some info about the new, just released Nikon D80. Looks interesting. personally, i am a canon man, but this has some nice features, like the 3FPS for 100 frames (33 seconds continuios shooting!) and the SD and SD-H...
August 09, 2006
Fujifilm S3 Pro UVIR DSLR can see in the dark?
Ok, this is a strange one. Fujifilm has announced a new S3 Pro camera: the S3 Pro UVIR DSLR. from what i can gather, it can take photos at night using either IR or UV. it has a special lens for this, which makes me wonder if you could get one of t...
August 09, 2006
Canon 370D appears in China
It seems that the sucessor to my Canon 350D has poped up in China. Its called the 370D, has a 10.1Megapixel sensor, 21 point auto focus, 7FPS rapid fire shooting (not sure for how long, but 7 up from 3 on the 350D is quite good) both CF AND SD sup...
August 08, 2006
large collection of high speed photos, site update news
Check out this collection of high speed photos. Some very cool stuff in there. And in site update news, I am currently working on some cool things for the site. First is a new photo gallery. I have been slaving over a semi cold keyboard and a hot ...
August 08, 2006
a photo a day for the last 3 years
check out this video called “Me” which is a video ofone woman who took a photo of her self every day for the last 3 years. very cool stuff!