Recent Posts
September 12, 2006
photographing moving objects
check out this tutorial on picture showing you how to photograph moving objects. handy!bk_keywords:photography
September 06, 2006
Building the Ultimate Aperture Workstation
Check out this Aperture Trick explaing what you need to do to build the ultimate Apple Aperture Workstation.bk_keywords:Mac Pro, Aperture, Apple
September 04, 2006
lots of photography tips and techniques
check out this article showing you lots of tips and techniques on taking photos. Very cool.bk_keywords:photography
August 31, 2006
Aperture 2 wish list
Photographs, Photographers and Photography has a wishlist for Aperture 2.0, which May or May not be comming at PhotoKina. We will see.bk_keywords:Apple Aperture
August 30, 2006
Review of the Canon 400D
The Canon 400D is only out a couple of weeks (if even that) and there is already a review here at Camera [via PhotoBlog] And while reading photoblog, i found this post about a Canon 3d, which is all rumors. not sure if its real, but look...