Recent Posts
April 05, 2007
Aperture Video tutorial
Check out this video over at Digital Photography School showing you details about Aperture. This is not Apple Aperture, but aperture of a lens. Very cool stuff!
April 03, 2007
After some thought and playing with Phanfare i decided to open a SmugMug account ($5 off link). I have installed the Aperture Export addin which makes uploading a lot easier, and there are some photos up there now. I will be adding more over time,...
March 29, 2007
So, as you probably know, i have developed this photography site, pretty much from scratch. The only problem with that is time to add new features, and because of the way it was developed, it takes a fair amount of time to actually upload new phot...
March 28, 2007
Aperture Users Profesional Network
If you use Aperture in your Photography workflow, you might want to check out the Aperture Users Profesional Network. Lots of interesting articles, so check it out.bk_keywords:camera
March 23, 2007
HDVew: Gigapixel photos!
Check out this Microsoft Research project called HDView. The idea is take a load of photos, and stick them together so you can zoom in to differet parts of it, but still have full quality on the zoom. Very cool and interesting project. [via Rob Bu...