Recent Posts
April 25, 2007
First look at the Canon 1D Mark III
Rob Galbraith has a review of the new Canon 1D Mark III. this is the fast one, which does 10 frames per second for something like 13 seconds. pretty impressive. definatly an impressive camera, but me thinks a bit over the top for what i want (Now,...
April 17, 2007
What is a fast lens?
Digital Photography school answer the question: What is a fast lens. A very good question, and a very informative answer.
April 11, 2007
Kodak: the winds of change
Its camera related so its going here: Kodak: the winds of change. Booya!
April 06, 2007
RAW workflow A pro's approach
Check out this Digital photography school article explaining a Pro’s Approach to a RAW Workflow. I have to fine tune my RAW workflow at the moment, as i am having problems (like my Aperture library taking up roughly 30Gb, and i dont even know of w...
April 05, 2007
Learn better photography with Kris Krug
Check out this video over at the Scoble Show: Learn better photography with Kris Krug. Very cool video. I learned some stuff, especially the idea of bringing your camera with you all the time. I defiantly want to do this!