Recent Posts
May 18, 2007
What does CS3 mean for Aperture users
I never really likes Adobe Photoshop. Too bulky for what i wanted. Thats why i love Aperture. Everything is a lot easier and quicker (well, depends on your defination of quicker) then photoshop. But, anyway, this article over at Oreilly’s Inside A...
May 08, 2007
Drobo: Worlds first storage robot
Now, this rocks! Drobo is a storage robot which allows you to not have to think about storage any more. One of the problems I have is my photos being stored in places. I have 2 300 GB external hard drives, which both store my Aperture vault. Then ...
April 28, 2007
Looking for an Aperture solution
So, i have 2 macs: My PowerBook G4, which, after some tweaking will be my on the road photography machine, and my Mac Pro, which is my main Aperture machine. At the moment, the PowerBook is not being used in the workflow (it was up untill i got th...
April 26, 2007
Tethered workflow in Aperture
Check out this tutorial showing you how to setup a Tethered workflow in Aperture. You might be wondering why you would want this and what a tethered workflow actually is. Well, with a tethered workflow, your camera does not save its phot...
April 26, 2007
100th post!
Well, its been a while since the first post (back on the 11th may 2006) but i have managed 100 posts, and this is it!