
Recent Posts

  • September 16, 2008

    Casio announces Exilim EX-FH20, a camera that can shoot up to 40FPS!

    this is not the first time Casio has done something crazy with a Hi speed camera. the last one shot at upto 60FPS! this new one, the EX-FH20, however, shoots at 40FPS at 7.1MP (mind you, only for up to 40 frames.) and can record movies at 1000FPS!...

  • September 14, 2008

    Anandtech preview Sony's A900 Full frame camera

    Anandtech have a preview of the upcomming Sony A900, a full frame, 24.6MP DSLR. It has built in Image stabilization, which is cool, and can shoot at 5FPS, which wont win any awards for the fastest, but is fast enough, considering your shooting at ...

  • August 25, 2008

    Official Pics and Specs of a Nikon D90? [updated: official]

    Engadget has a post with, what they say, is a seemingly official photo of the Nikon D90. They also mention specs: 12.3mp, 3″ LCD and “real movie like” video recording. interesting.[update] Officially Official.

  • August 24, 2008

    Canon's EOS 50D product shots, test photo leaked

    Engadget have some photos of the rumored 50D. Guessing its a replacment to the 40D. MP, and there are some more shots, including a demo shot taken with the camera, available on PhotographyBay. Still waiting on that elusive 5D replacment.Canon’s EO...

  • June 17, 2008

    Building the Sun (or How to build your own Light box)

    Jim Chuchu has a post on his blog showing you how he built a LightBox out of a couple of Carboard boxes, some tinfoil, cables, bulbs and bulb holders. Looks very cool, and should not cost that much to build or run (he used Energy saving bulbs).